Reasoning Test - 01

Directions (Q.1-Q6) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Eight people R,S,T,U,V,W,X and Y are sitting around a circular are at equal distance between each other, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of the people are facing centre while some face outside. ( I.e in a direction opposite to the centre)
Note: facing the same direction means one faces the centre then the other also faces the center and vice versa.
R sits third to the left of S. S faces outside, V sits third to the left of R. V is an immediate neighbor of both Y and X. U sits second to the left of X. T sits immediate right of Y. W sits immediate right of U. T is second to the left of W. V and T faces the same direction as U.

1. who sits exactly between R and U?

a) S 
b) W 
c) Y 
d) X

2. How many people in the given arrangement face the center?
a) One 
b) Two 
c) Three 
d) Four

3. Who sits second to the right of X ?
a) T 
b) U 
c) Y 
d) W

4. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way based on the given sitting arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a) V 
b) R 
c) S 
d) X

5. Which of the following is true regarding T as per the given seating arrangement?
a) Only three people sits between T and S
b) Y is Immediate right of S
c) V faces Outside
d) Two people sits between T and R

6. What is V Position with respect to U
a) Third to the right
b) Third to the left
c) Second to the right
d) Immediate neighbor.

Direction (Q.7-­11): Study the following information carefully to answer the questions.
Eight friends A, B, D, R, Q, V, S and W are sitting  around a circle facing the centre. B sits third to the left of S  and is third to the right of A. Only two people sits between A  and V. D is second to the left of S. R is not an immediate  neighbor of A. V and W facing each other.

7. Who is an immediate left of Q? 
a) A
b) S
c) B
d) W

8. Who is second to the right of R? 
a) S
b) A
c) Q
d) D

9. Which of the following is correct position of R 
a) Between B & W
b) immediate right of S
c) Immediate left of S
d) none of these

10. Who sits second to the right of B? 
a) S
b) Q
c) V
d) W

11. How many persons sits between R and W (anticlockwise direction starts from R). 
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) None
Reasoning Test - 01 Reasoning Test - 01 Reviewed by Unknown on 10:29 AM Rating: 5


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