Reasoning Speed Test -03 for Upcoming Bank Exams

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

In a certain code language
DONKEY       IS         MOUNTAIN
63@44       33=41             9$19

41@49        15$6           54=30

COMING TO                   MY ENTRANCE
13$25             31=30            57@23           20$15

JUMPED           AT         HOMEPAGE
44=25            41@29             1$20

1. What is the code for ‘Family' in the given code language?
1) 20@46    
2) 20=46                  
3) 20&55
4) 46#20    
5) None of these

2. What is the code for ‘Search' in the given code language?
1) 25=29          
2) 25%29        
5) 29@25

3.  What is the code for ‘Doctor In Hospital' in the given code language?
1) 9$14 22#53 58%42
2) 58@42 22=53 9@14
3) 22=53          9$14 42@58
4) 58@42 9$14 22=53
5) None of these

4. The Symbol '@' denotes for?
1) two letter word              
2) six letter word
3) four letter word            
4) eight letter word
5) None of these

5. What is the possible code for 'Enjoy'?
1) 29@40          
2) 29=40        
3) 40$29
4) 29#40          
 5) None of these

Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Subash, Sunoj, Milton, Manoj, Suthan, Esther, Kishore and Eswar are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order, some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Note: Same direction means that if one person is facing north then the other also faces north and if one person is facing south then the other person also faces south. opposite direction means that is one person is facing north then the other person faces south vice versa.)
* The persons sits between Sunoj and Subash is same as between Suthan and Milton.
*  Kishore sits third to the right of Esther, who is not sits to the left of Manoj.
*  The persons sits in the extreme ends are faces the same direction as Esther.
*  The number of persons sitting to the right of Sunoj is equal to the number of person those who facing north.
*  Eswar sits between Suthan and Manoj.
*  Sunoj facing north who sits fourth from one end of the line.
*  No one sits to the right of Kishore.
* Three persons facing same direction sits together but not with Kishore.

6. Who are sits in the extreme ends?
1) Subash, Kishore        
2) Kishore, Manoj
3) Manoj, Subash        
4) Eswar, Kishore
5) None of these

7. How many person sits to the left of Milton?
1) More than three  
2) one        
3) Two
4) Three                
5) None

8. Who sits immediate right of Manoj?
1) Eswar        
2) Suthan        
3) Sunoj
4) Subash        
5) Milton

9. How many person sits between Sunoj and Subash?
1) Three      
2) One    
3) Two
4) None      
 5) Four

10. What is the direction of Subash and Eswar?
1)South, North                
2) North, North
3) South, south                
4) North, South
5) either South or North

Directions (Q. 11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are kept one above the other but not necessarily in the same order. Each box contains different items Pencil, Pen, Paper, Phones, Creams, Shoes, Medicines and Ribbons but not necessarily in the same order.
S is kept immediately below Medicine box. Only three boxes are kept between R and W. The Shoe box is kept immediately above W. Only two  boxes are kept between Shoe box and the Ribbon box. The number of boxes between P and Pen box is the double of the number of boxes between Cream and the box R. Paper box is kept immediately below Phone box. The Paper box is not the second from the top of the stack. Only two boxes kept between S and Ribbon box. Neither Phone box nor Paper box kept immediately above or below Shoe box. Pen box is kept above Shoe box, but not below Ribbon box. Two boxes kept between T and W, Three boxes kept between T and V. The box Q is not kept second from the bottom of the Stack. 

11. Which one of the following box contains medicines?
1) U      
2) R
4) T
5) S

12. Which one of the box kept immediately below U ?
1) P      
2) R
3) Q    
4) V
5) W

13. How many boxes are kept between T and P?
1) Four          
2) Three          
3) Two
4) One          
5) None

14. Which one of the following box contains Phones?
1) R      
2) P
3) Q      
5) U

15. How boxes kept above pencils box?
1) One    
2) Two    
3) Three    
4) Four      
5) None

Directions (Q. 16-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Rekha, Priya, Raji, Midhuna, Suganya, Sundari, Shalini and Santhiya are seated in a straight line but not necessarily in the same order, some of them are facing south while some are facing north.
(Note: Same direction means that if one person is facing north then the other also faces north and if one person is facing south then the other person also faces south. opposite direction means that is one person is facing north then the other person faces south vice versa.)
* Midhuna sits immediate right of Shalini, who is immediate left of Rekha.
* The number of persons sits between Suganya and Shalini is same as between Sundari and Raji.
* Equal no of persons faces north and south.
* Santhiya sits fourth to the left of Shalini.
* The person sits in the extreme ends are facing opposite directions.
* The persons faces north sits next to each other but not more than three, priya is not among them.
* Immediate neighbours of Santhiya facing opposite directions.
* Raji is not an immediate neighbour of either Rekha or Miduhna. 
* One of the immedaite neighbour of Midhuna faces north. 

16. How many person sits between Sundari and Raji?
1) Three            
2) One        
3) Two
4) More than three
5) None

17. Who are sits in the extreme ends?
1) Raji, Midhuna              
2) Priya, Sundari
3) Suganya, Priya              
4) Priya, Raji
5) Raji, Shalini

18. Who are the immediate neighbours of Rekha?
1) Shalini, Sundari          
2) Midhuna, Shalini
3) Shalini, Suganya          
4) Raji, Santhiya
5) Sundari, Suganya

19. How many person sis between Midhuna and Suganya?
1) Two            
2) Three            
3) Two
4) None            
5) More than three

20. Who sits immediate right of Priya?
1) Shalini            2) Rekha      3) Suganya
4) Raji            5) Midhuna

Directions (Q. 21-25): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends Raji, Deepika, Anandhi, Sundari, Viji, Devi, Hema and Srisha are sitting around a circular table all of them facing centre but not necessarily in the same order, each of them working in different banks Canara bank, IOB, Indian bank, Coropration bank, UCO, RBI, UBI and RBI not necessarily in the same order.
* Deepika sits third to the left of Devi, who works in Indian bank.
* Only one person sits between Indian bank and Hema.
* Srisha faces the person working Canara bank.
*Raji sits second to the left of Viji.
* One of the immediate neighbour of Raji working in IOB.
* Sundari sits second to the left of the person working in Canara bank.
* Only two person sits between Viji and Hema.
* Hema is not working in IOB, shes is not an immediate neighbour of Raji.
* The person working in RBI and UCO are immediate neighbours. The person working in UCO faces the person working in Corporation bank.
* The person working in SBI & UBI are facing each other. Neither Raji nor Deepika works in SBI.
* The person working in UBI is not an immediate neighbour of Sundari.

21. Who works in UCO Bank?
1) Srisha            
2) Hema       
3) Deepika
4) Sundari            
5) Viji

22. Who is the immediate neighbour of Sundari?
1) Srisha            
2) Hema            
3) Raji
4) Devi            
5) Viji

23. Who sits third to the right of the person working in IOB?
1) Hema           
2) Devi     
3) Anandhi
4) Deepika  
5) Raji

24. Who are the immediate neighbours of the person working in Corporation bank?
1) Devi, Srisha          
2) Devi, Hema
3) Srisha, Viji          
4) Sundari, Deepika
5) None of these

25. Who is working in RBI?
1) Viji                   
2) Anandhi            
3) Sundari
4) Hema      
5) Devi

Directions (26-30): In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select appropriate answer.
Give answer:
1) If either conclusion I Or II is true
2) If both conclusions I and II are true
3) If only conclusion I is true
4) If only conclusion II is true
5) If neither conclusion I nor II is true

26. Statement    : H ≥ T ≥ M ; T < R > k
      Conclusion   : I. H > R II. R > M

27. Statement    : R > T ≥ M = H; M > L = Z ≥ K
      Conclusion   :  I. L < R II. Z < H

28. Statement    : K ≥ M > Z = T;  R ≤ M ≤ N > P
      Conclusion   : I . P < K II. K ≥ N

29. Statement    : T = L ≥ R < M ≥ K;  R ≥ N < O = S
      Conclusion   : I. N < M II. N ≤ T

30. Statement    : S ≥ R ≤ N ≥ T = M;  R = K
      Conclusion   : I. S > K II. S = K

For Detailed Explanation – CLICK HERE

Reasoning Speed Test -03 for Upcoming Bank Exams Reasoning Speed Test -03 for Upcoming Bank Exams Reviewed by AnandhaRaja on 9:22 AM Rating: 5

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