Reasoning Speed Test -02 for Upcoming Bank Exams

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Seven friends 4 males (Prabakaran, Jayaram, Esther, Vignesh) and 3 females (Anandhi, Suganya, Kavitha) (not necessarily in the same order). they attend marriage on the different day of the week, starts from Monday to Sunday.
Anandhi attend the marriage on Sunday. The number of persons attend before Esther is same as the persons attend after Jayaram. Only three persons attend the marriage between Kavitha and Suganya. Prabakaran attend after Esther but before Jayaram. No female attend the marriage on neither Monday nor Friday. Vignesh does not attend immediately before Kavitha.

1. Who attend the marriage on Monday?
1) Suganya
2) Vignesh
3) Prabakaran
4) Kavitha
5) none of these

2. Who attend the marriage on Tuesday?
1) Vignesh
2) Suganya      
3) Esther
4) Kavitha
5) Prabakaran

3. How many persons attend the marriage after Kavitha?
1) Two
2) Three          
3) Four
4) One
5) None

4. How many person lives between Esther and Jayaram?
1) Two
2) One      
3) Three
4) None
5) Four

5. If Anandhi is related to Monday in certain way and Esther is related to Thurdsay then Kavitha is related to ?
1) Sunday
2) Monday    
3) Tuesday
4) Wednesday
5) Thursday

Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends - 4 males (Sunoj, Srihari, Suthan, Subash) and 4 females (Sumathi, Shalini, Sundari, Suganya) are living on different floor in the same building having eight floors numberd one to eight. (The bottom floor is numbered 1, the floor above it numbered 2 and so on, and the top floor is numbered 8).
Sunoj lives on even numberd floor but not on the top most floor. No female live on bottom floor. The person lives between Subash and Suganya is same as between the person lives in Srihari and Sundari. Sumathi lives immediately above Srihari, who is immediately above Suthan. Subash lives on odd numbered floor. One of the female lives on odd numbered floor is  neighbour of Srihari. Shalini live on even numbered floor but not below neither Sumathi nor Sunoj. Sundari lives below Subash. Suganya lives on even numbered floor.

6. Who lives in the top most floor?
1) Sundari
2) Sumathi    
3) Shalini
4) Suthan
5) None of these

7. How many persons lives above Sumathi?
1) Four
2) Five      
3) Three
4) Two
5) One

8. Who lives immediately above Sundari?
1) Subash
2) Sunoj      
3) Shalini
4) Suganya
5) None of these

9. Who lives in the botttom floor?
1) Suthan
2) Subash    
3) Sundari
4) Suganya
5) Sumathi

10. who lives in the floor numbered 2?
1) Sumathi
2) Suthan    
3) Sundari
4) Subash
5) Srihari

Directions (Q. 11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends 4 males (Sivaraman, Subash, Sunoj, Sanjeevi) and 4 females (Roselin, Rekha, Renuka, Raji) are sitting in a square table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the square facing the outside while four others sit in the middle of each of the four sides facing center.
Sanjeevi sits third to the right of Sivaraman, who is immediate neighbour of Sunoj. The person likes Brown colour sits second to the right of Roselin, who sits in the corner. Renuka and Sanjeevi are facing each other. The person likes yellow colour sits immediate right of Raji, who sits immediate right of Subash. The person likes Black colour sits between Raji and Rekha who likes orange colour. No male likes neither Green nor Violet. The person likes Red colour sits second to the left of one like Blue colour. Green colour is an immediate right of male.

11. who likes Green colour?
1) Sivaraman
2) Roselin      
3) Subash
4) Raji
5) Sanjeevi

12. Who likes Blue colour?
1) Sunoj
2) Renuka        
3) Rekha
4) Subash
5) none of these

13. Who sits third to the right of peson likes Orange colour?
1) Raji
2) Roselin    
3) Renuka
4) Sivaraman
5) Subash

14. How many person sits between the person like Black and Blue colour?
1) Three
2) One      
3) Two
4) cannot determine      
5) None of these

15. Who sits immediate left of the person likes yellow colour?
1) Raji    
2) Rekha            
3) Roselin
4) Subash    
5) Renuka

Directions (Q. 16-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends - Anandhi, Prabakaran, Sundar, Viji, Deepika, Shalini, Yokesh and Kishore (not necessarily in the same order) are sitting in a straight line some of them facing north while some of them facing south.
[Equal number of person faces North and South]
[Note:- Same direction means that if one person is facing north then the other also faces north and if one person is facing south then the other person also faces south. Opposite direction means that if one person is facing north then the other person faces south and vice versa.]
Yokesh sits immediate left of Deepika and Sundar. Anandhi sits immediate right of Deepika and immediate left of Shalini. Viji sits between Kishore and Prabakaran, who sits in the extreme end. Number of person sits right to Deepika is same as the person sits left to Kishore. The person sits in the extreme end are facing opposite directions. Anandhi facing opposite direction of their neigbours, Viji faces the same direction of Anandhi. Kishore is not an immediate neighbour of Shalini. Yokesh faces south.

16. Who sits immediate right of Kishore?
1) Viji
2) Yokesh
3) Deepika
4) Sundar
5) Data inadequate

17. How many person sits to the right of Sundar?
1) Two  
2) Three
3) One
4) Five  
5) Four

18. who are the immediate neighbours of Yokesh?
1) Anandhi , Kishore
2) Viji , Deepika
3) Sundar, Deepika
4) Shalini, Kishore
5) Either 1 or 4

19. What is the position of Viji with respect to Deepika?
1) Third to the right
2) Third to the left
3) Fourth to the right
4) Fourth to the left
5) Immediate right

20. Who sits immediate left of Anandhi?
1) Deepika
2) Shalini
3) Yokesh
4) Either 1 or 2
5) None of these

21. Pointing to a man in a photograph a woman says: "He is the father of my only daughter-in-law's father-in-law". What is the man to the woman?
1) Father
2) Brother
3) Husband
4) Brother-in-law
5) Father-in-law

22. if in a certain code language PREMONITION is written as 68530492904, how will the word MENTION be written in that code language?
1) 3542904
2) 3452900
3) 9345290
4) 3542905
5) 3450924

23. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) Fish : Shoal
2) Cow : Herd
3) Sheep : Flock
4) Man : Mob
5) Bee : Swarm


1 - 2
2 - 2
3 - 4
4 - 2
5 - 1
6 - 3
7 - 2
8 - 2
9 - 1
10 - 5
11 - 4
12 - 2
13 - 5
14 - 1
15 - 3
16 - 4
17 - 2
18 - 3
19 - 4
20 - 2
21 - 5
22 - 1
23 - 4

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Reasoning Speed Test -02 for Upcoming Bank Exams Reasoning Speed Test -02 for Upcoming Bank Exams Reviewed by AnandhaRaja on 10:05 AM Rating: 5

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