Reasoning Speed Test - 01 for Upcoming Bank Exams

Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends 3 males (Srihari, Kishore, karthick) and 5 females (Priya, viji, Sumathi, Kavitha, Santhiya) are sitting in a circular table some of them facing center while some of them facing outwards, they are working in different banks - Indian bank, IDBI, Canara bank, Union bank, PNB, SBI, Andhra bank and IOB. (not necessarily in the same order).
[Note : equal number of persons facing Center and Outwards]
[Note : Same direction means that if one person is facing the center then the other also faces the centre and vice versa
Opposite direction means that if one person is facing the centre then the other is facing outwards and vice versa.]
Kavitha sits second to the left of Srihari, who sits third to the right of Karthick. No male sits between the person working in Canara bank and Indian bank. The person working in IDBI sits second to the left of Santhiya, who is third to the right of the person working in PNB. Santhiya sits fourth to the right of Viji, who is not an immediate neighbour of Srihari. Priya working in Indian bank she is not an immediate neighbour of Karthick. Only one person sits between Kishore and Sumathi, who is facing away the center. Santhiya faces opposite direction of Srihari, neither Sumathi nor Kishore working in PNB. The person working in IDBI sits immediate left of the person working in SBI, who is immediate left of Union bank. Andhra bank is not an immediate neighbour of Viji. Kishore sits between the person facing in opposite directions. Viji faces the same direction of Priya, who is third to the left of Kishore.

1. Who is working in PNB?
1) Viji
2) Srihari
3) Kavitha
4) Kishore
5) none of these

2. Who sits immediate right of the person working in Andhra bank?
1) Kavitha
2) Sumathi
3) Kishore
4) Karthick
5) Santhiya

3. Who sits between Kishore and Sumathi ?
1) Viji
2) Srihari
3) Priya
4) Karthick
5) Kavitha

4. who is working in Union bank ?
1) Santhiya
2) Sumathi
3) Viji
4) Srihari
5) Karthick

5. Four of the following five are alike in certain way and so form a group. which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) Karthick - Indian bank
2) Santhiya - Canara bank
3) Kavitha  - SBI
4) Kishore - IOB
5) All are true

Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends - Esther, Satheesh, Manoj, Subash, Karthick, Milton, Kishore and Vel are living on different floor in the same building having eight floors numberd one to eight. (The ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it numbered 2 and so on, and the top floor is numbered 8).
Kishore does not live on floor numbered 2. Manoj lives on odd-numbered floor. There are three floors between the floors on which Milton and Esther lives. Milton lives on a floor above Esther. The person lives between Kishore and Esther is same as between Manoj and Subash. Vel lives on immediately above Manoj. Karthick does not live on even-numbered floor. Satheesh does not live any of the floor below Milton's floor. Subash lives on even-numbered floor.

6. Kishore lives on which floor?
1) 4      
2) 6
3) 1    
4) 7
5) 3

7. Who lives on the Top most floor?
1) Satheesh
2) Kishore      
3) Subash
4) Karthick
5) none of these

8. How many persons lives between Kishore and Esther?
1) one                
2) Two                  
3) Three
4) None  
5) Four

9. Four of the following five are alike in certain way and so form a group. which is the one that does not belongs to that group?
1) Vel - 1      
2) Kishore - 5
3) Subash - 3
4) Satheesh - 7      
5) Manoj - 1

10. How many person lives above Kishore?
1) Two
2) Three
3) one
4) None
5) Four

Directions (Q. 11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Eight friends - Jayaram, Kavitha, Subash, Rekha, Renuka, Manoj, Priya and Kishore (not necessarily in the same order) are sitting in a straight line some of them facing north while some of them facing south.
[Note:- Same direction means that if one person is facing north then the other also faces north and if one person is facing south then the other person also faces south. Opposite direction means that if one person is facing north then the other person faces south and vice versa.]
Subash sits third to the left of Manoj. No one sits to the right of Rekha, who is third to the right of Kishore. Immediate neighbours of Kishore are facing the opposite direction of Rekha. Jayaram and Subash are immediate neighbours. Priya and Renuka are immediate neighbours, none of them sits in the extreme ends. The person sits in the extreme ends are facing the opposite directions. One of the immediate neigbour of Priya faces south. Subash and Priya are faces the same direction as Jayaram. The person sits between Priya and Jayaram is same as Renuka and Kishore. Neither Renuka nor Priya is and immediate neighbour of Rekha.

11. Who sits immediate left of Rekha?
1) Jayaram
2) Subash
3) Renuka
4) Priya
5) Kavitha

12. How many person sits to the right of Manoj?
1) Three
2) Two
3) Four
4) None
5) one

13. Who sits immediate left of Renuka?
1) Kavitha
2) Priya
3) Kishore
4) Rekha
5) none of these

14. How many persons facing north?
1) Four
2) Three
3) Five
4) Two
5) can't determine

15. Who sits second to the right of seventh from the right end?
1) Kishore
2) Rekha
3) Kavitha
4) Jayaram
5) Subash

16. Pointing to a woman in a photograph, a man says, "She is mother-in-law of the husband of the only granddaughter of my own mother-in-law". How is the woman related to the man?
1) daughter    
2) wife        
3) sister-in-law
4) Niece    
5) datughter-in-law

17. if ENGINEERING is coded as 96, how will you code ROCKET?
1) 72    
2) 46
3) 107    
4) 66
5) 56

18. A man is facing towards west and turns 45 degree clockwise, again 180 degree clockwise then turns 280 degree in anti-clockwise direction. In which direction is he facing now?
1) north-west
2) north-east
3) south-east
4) south-west
5) south

19. Kumar correctly remembers that his mother's birthday is before twenty third April but after nineteenth April, wheras his sister correctly remembers that their mother's birthday is not on or after twenty second April. On which day in April is definitely their mother's birthday?
1) 20th
2) 21st
3) 20th or 21st
4) Cannot be determined
5) None of these

20. Among A, B, C, D and E, each having scored different marks, C scored more marks than A and E. B scored less mark than E. D did not score the highest marks. who among them scored the highest?
1) A
2) E                      
3) C
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these


1 - 3
2 - 5
3 - 4
4 - 1
5 - 4
6 - 2
7 - 1
8 - 2
9 - 5
10 - 1
11 - 2
12 - 1
13 - 1
14 - 3
15 - 1
16 - 3
17 - 4
18 - 4
19 - 3
20 - 3

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Reasoning Speed Test - 01 for Upcoming Bank Exams Reasoning Speed Test - 01 for Upcoming Bank Exams Reviewed by AnandhaRaja on 9:56 AM Rating: 5

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